
Ode to silence

Sweet silence where hath thou has gone? To all vile noise is my ear prone, A thousand million billion switches, Turned on and off by witches, Light up  a million bulbs on a palm, Cries aloud to rob my calm, Dragging me to a life, not of mine, Yet another life of mine. O silence, where hath thee flown? In a world where noise is sown, With no heed to what is lost, Amid the clamour of the host. May sleep again to wake, Where all a sound not make, even for a moment fleeting, to feel the embrace of silence's greeting.

Creature of the night

In the fields of fireflies When the stars twinkle above I go prancing through the dark The sweet and comforting dark. When the moon rules the skies In the meadows the night breeze hums I enjoy the pale white soothing moonlight I roam free about, free of fright In the heaven when sun blazes fiery, I avert my gaze from the land, And retreat back to my familiar darkness. My home, my utter happiness.


Is the world fair? We want it to be. And sometimes we even manage to convince ourselves that it is. So is the world fair, or unfair? Or is it a mix of both? Take a moment to think about it and then come back. Are you with me now? Ah, then come, I have some things to tell you that might interest you. Fairness is a concept and like all concepts it is human and can be pretty personal. One person's idea of fairness might not coincide with another's. A duel can be considered a fair method of confrontation but can anyone vouch that if one of the contenders had a different teacher, an extra day to train, a different meal, the outcome would not be any different than what it is now? Be it skill, training or a bad case of stomach, there are many things that would affect the outcome of the duel and cannot be categorized as "fair". Maybe you will not see things as I see in this matter. But what I want to emphasize is that there are things that influence the outcome of event...

Paradise unseen

In the realm of a fantastic dream, We saw an idea of a utopia. Agree did we in the waking world, To seek that dream of euphoria. Strive did we to reach that haven, The heaven that was promised, By us unto ourselves, The world that we truly wished. We made a world anew, Of brick and steel and comfort. We built walls,  bastions and castles, To keep us safe, with much effort. But when we lay in the waking world, Weary from our toil and bare, Only then did we realize, to our dismay, That at our own prisons did we stare.

The light at the end of the road..

The Light at the end of the road We know it is there, and we know that it will comes to all of us. Yet we could not be more oblivious. The end is shrouded in so much mystery for we have never been there. What is out there? Does it not give you the chills just by thinking about it? There are so many answers to what is out there at the very end but we might as well be blind people trying to comprehend what the colour white is when we come to talk of it. It might be a white light, a flashback of the life as we lived it... Then would we go on? Do we just cease to be? Just like a light bulb burning out, leaving nothing but an empty shell devoid of its previous luminescence behind? The thought itself is too appalling to even have. How can we think of a time when we would not think? Of a time when we would not feel? Of knowing no warmth or cold, no light or dark, no sound or silence? To me it is frightening. I suppose you would agree as well. But would we be extinguished at the end? ...

Chicken and the Egg

Which came first? Chicken or the egg? Quite the question isn't it? This is one of the questions that has baffled the humankind for centuries and has generated so much controversy that it rivals the controversy generated by all the political scandals in the world. Even the ones here in Sri Lanka. Well, anyway..What is the thing that is so fascinating about this question? Well, at its core, this is a question of the reason and the result. Reason and result serve as the basis of human knowledge,logic and analysis that it is so monumental that it could promote a seemingly silly question to a very "controversial" one. As we know, the cause comes before the effect, such is the nature of the order of the universe. So what came first is the cause and what came later is the effect. So is chicken the cause of eggs or eggs the cause of chicken? The interesting thing is that both can be the cause and/or the result of each other. So we are stuck in a vicious cycle of logic and...

Essay of the veil of reality- A play with words

The gap between reality and fantasy can become so thin that one day you will stare right ahead of you and feel the fabric of reality unraveling and the maddening fantasies that you keep locked inside your head creeping through the veils of reality, teasing you to loose yourself in the ecstasy of whimsical bliss. Reality can be harsh for the human mind at times. It can be more or it can be less. The more troubled the environment becomes, the more compelling it becomes to seek refuge in the safety of a fantastical realm. To some, the reality can be a restriction, a lead weight pulling them down, not letting them soar into the heights they aspire. Of course, those heights "they" seek to rise to are tinged with the astute flavors of madness, but to some, madness ca be a good thing. Perhaps what we should really do is consider what our perception of reality actually means. To some, it may seem as straightforward and easy to figure out, as simple as the green colored grass, or the...