Essay of the veil of reality- A play with words

The gap between reality and fantasy can become so thin that one day you will stare right ahead of you and feel the fabric of reality unraveling and the maddening fantasies that you keep locked inside your head creeping through the veils of reality, teasing you to loose yourself in the ecstasy of whimsical bliss.
Reality can be harsh for the human mind at times. It can be more or it can be less. The more troubled the environment becomes, the more compelling it becomes to seek refuge in the safety of a fantastical realm. To some, the reality can be a restriction, a lead weight pulling them down, not letting them soar into the heights they aspire. Of course, those heights "they" seek to rise to are tinged with the astute flavors of madness, but to some, madness ca be a good thing. Perhaps what we should really do is consider what our perception of reality actually means. To some, it may seem as straightforward and easy to figure out, as simple as the green colored grass, or the sweet smelling roses, the hardness of a rock, the taste of salt and the sweet song of a bird. But is it? All the reality we perceive is a collection of data gathered through our senses, then interpreted by our greatest sense of all, brain.
But the problem is, this makes what we call as reality, something fragile. There is a lot that can go wrong, in the sensors, or the interpreter. Things can range from being a bit annoying to a total collapse of reality. Schizophrenia is a classical example of such a cataclysmic reality warp taking place inside the head. It shows what can possible follow when one rips the veil of truth aside, madness.

Of course, Removing one's self , up to a limit, in a controlled manner, can have enormous benefits. It can boost creativity and take a person to places he/she has not even imagined. But control is of utmost importance as a misstep in the way would lead to a spiral down the alley of consciousness into the whirlpool of madness. So it is not a sin to take a trip down the lane and peek through the curtains of reality... but be careful as not to tear them. They can be hard to repair.


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