
Showing posts from February, 2014

Chicken and the Egg

Which came first? Chicken or the egg? Quite the question isn't it? This is one of the questions that has baffled the humankind for centuries and has generated so much controversy that it rivals the controversy generated by all the political scandals in the world. Even the ones here in Sri Lanka. Well, anyway..What is the thing that is so fascinating about this question? Well, at its core, this is a question of the reason and the result. Reason and result serve as the basis of human knowledge,logic and analysis that it is so monumental that it could promote a seemingly silly question to a very "controversial" one. As we know, the cause comes before the effect, such is the nature of the order of the universe. So what came first is the cause and what came later is the effect. So is chicken the cause of eggs or eggs the cause of chicken? The interesting thing is that both can be the cause and/or the result of each other. So we are stuck in a vicious cycle of logic and...

Essay of the veil of reality- A play with words

The gap between reality and fantasy can become so thin that one day you will stare right ahead of you and feel the fabric of reality unraveling and the maddening fantasies that you keep locked inside your head creeping through the veils of reality, teasing you to loose yourself in the ecstasy of whimsical bliss. Reality can be harsh for the human mind at times. It can be more or it can be less. The more troubled the environment becomes, the more compelling it becomes to seek refuge in the safety of a fantastical realm. To some, the reality can be a restriction, a lead weight pulling them down, not letting them soar into the heights they aspire. Of course, those heights "they" seek to rise to are tinged with the astute flavors of madness, but to some, madness ca be a good thing. Perhaps what we should really do is consider what our perception of reality actually means. To some, it may seem as straightforward and easy to figure out, as simple as the green colored grass, or the...